Patriotic Clothing: From Revolution to Modern Times

patriot shirt I am an american, right to bear arms Patriotic shirt

 The Shirt Heard Around The World

Shortly after “The Shot Heard around the World,” American Patriotism and Patriotic clothing  began.  We Saw The women of the time tied red ribbons in their hair to support the men marching agaist the British. The First Fashionistas, if you will. “The shot heard around the world” is from the first stanza of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1837 poem, “Concord Hymn.”



Ironically, Emerson thought the shot would have a global effect because Americans in the Recvolution thought their actions would start a chain reaction. They thought this war would free the oppressed around the world.


The Birth Of A Nation; The Birth Of Patriotic Clothing

The Revolutionary War, well the military part of it, occurred between 1775-1783. The thirteen colonies joined forces to evict the English from the New Country. It was time to cut ties with the Crown and be our own Country.

As the war rolled on, civilians started sewing flags and other patriotic symbols onto their jackets and dresses to show support for soldiers who were fighting for our independence. After the war was over, people kept wearing them in celebration of Democracy and Independence.

Made In America: The Truest Form Of Patriotic Clothes

In 1789, during his Presidency, and later into his retirement, George Washington made the statement, “we have already been too long subject to British prejudices.”  With that, he stopped getting fabrics from England and France, and instead used American mills and local seamstresses and tailors to make clothing. (fig. 1) His objective was to boost civic pride. And it worked.  To read more on Washington's Suit, check out the Smithsonian.

George Washingtons patriotic clothing

(fig. 1) George Washingtions American Suit


.The Dark Times: Patriotism Gets An Ass-Whooping

The Civil War brought about a split in the country. A split in the country and a split in flags. It wasn’t a huge jump in patriotic clothing. It was more about flying the colors of the Northern or Southern armies. So, it has no place in this discussion.


Feeding The Military Forces

Sam Wilson was a businessman out of Troy, New York. He delivered beef in barrels to the military during the war of 1812. Somebody asked the question, “What does the U.S. stamped on the barrels mean?”  One of Mr. Wilsons employees piped up with the answer immediately.(fig. 2)  The reply was, “Uncle Sam Wilson.”  That led to the conclusion that Uncle Sam represented the Federal Government. That’s an obvious parallel…right?

As Uncle Sam took hold several cartoonists and artists gave Uncle Sam a persona. It wasn’t until 1917 that James Montgomery Flagg sat down and drew an image based on his own. This image of Uncle Sam is the version we all know. The image was printed over four million times between 1917 and 1918.

A new era of patriotic clothes was about to be born from the Red, White and Blue of Uncle Sames Hat and suit. (fig 2)

There was no real need to weaponize Uncle Sam until Germany resumed submarine attacks on merchant and passenger ships. They sank the British passenger ship, the Lusitania. At some point the U.S. gained the Zimmerman Telegram. It was from Germany to Mexico, asking Mexico to Join Germany in the war. They Promised Mexico Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico if Germany won. President Wilson decided the sidelines were no longer viable.  I wonder what the Patriots of Texas thought about that.?  Patriotism is very strong in Texas.


 The Two Great Wars: The Green Patriotism 

WW I was a change in apparel. The population was asked to make their own clothes, using what they already had. Patriotic clothing wasn’t exactly the red, white, and blue we see today. It was drabber colored, much like the military uniforms. The tight bodice was gone, and loose clothing was adorned. It was elegant yet efficient. The clothing was decorated with stripes and chevrons. Ladies’ hats were more formed like the military hats. More Beret styles. But some bright colors did shine through. (fig. 3)

Womens patriotic clothing, the parachute dress

Figure 3 Patriotic clothing: the Parachute Dress


From Wedding dresses to regular dresses, these were made from the actual parachutes of veterans who had to deploy them.


The Patriotic Shirt: Patriots and Protestors

The late sixties and early 1970’s gave birth to some incredible music. It also gave birth to the American Flag as patriotic apparel. Vietnam was going on in the jungles of Southeast Asia. This war, (oops, sorry) this “police action” divided the country as deeply as the Civil War. Patriotism soared high. Just as high as it soared, the anti-war movement was keeping pace. Patriots wore the clothing with pride, supporting our troops in conflict. The protestors wore patriotic clothes in mockery of the country.  After it was over, and we left Southeast Asia, one thing remained. The American Flag as Patriotic clothing. Since it was easier and faster, most of this attire was sold as T-shirts.  Patriotism stayed strong for a long time.


The Current State Of Patriotism

That is a loaded title. As an observer of the human condition, I sometimes wonder if the day of the Patriot is over. We are erasing, burying, and close to denying history. I still remember the brain cramps studying for U.S. History tests. Date after date. Trying to remember. Just a couple of days ago, some guys were talking about going to Cuba since travel bans have loosened up. An older gentleman shook his head and said something about remembering the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuba Missile Crisis. Two teens were with us, one of the guy’s kids, waiting for us to quit talking. The teens looked confused. I asked them what they knew about the Bay of Pigs. They just shrugged their shoulders. I shook my head, muttered something about the education system today and went home.

But I look online, and I see ads for American Flag shirts, Patriotic shirts and apparel and Military Veteran T-shirts. Lots of them. That tells me there is still a sense of patriotism out there. I used to be a holiday Patriotic shirt wearer. Memorial Day, The 4th Of July, and Veterans Day. That’s when I pulled my red, white, and blue shirts out of the closet. Then That Changed.


The Day All Planes Were Grounded

September 11, 2001, I woke up and turned on the television and was in shock. I didn’t know what to feel. I was terrified. Horrified. And fucking pissed. The year swiftly ended and we were headed to the Middle East.  I was happy that finally somwone would pay.  I couldn't tell you if it was Patriotism or Nationalism that fueled the population.  And I didn't really care at the time.  But I did notice something I had never seen before;  I noticed that almost every house had an American flag hanging from a new pole, or from the eaves of the house.  They were scattered everywhere.  Patriotism was alive and well. 

I Second That Emotion 

July 4th, 2002 was the first 4th after 9/11.  We were watching the fireworks on Jacksonville Beach, Florida.  The crowd was enormous. Everyone, I mean Everyone, including the pets, the police, even the few homeless hanging around, was wearing Red, White, and Blue. At the end, three big booms signaled the coming of the Grand Finale. Six minutes of non-stop explosions from the launchers to the massive explosions of lights in the sky. Six minutes came and went. The fireworks kept going.


Patriotic Fervor

The Star-Spangled Banner was blaring from the 10000-watt sound system. People were cheering louder and louder. We were all hugging each other and howling, releasing the rage and getting comfort from our fellow patriots. There wasn’t a dry eye on Jacksonville beach that night. Tears flowed, beer flowed, and the fireworks ended. 15 minutes of healing. The bars and restaurants stayed open because nobody wanted to go home just yet.

Now I have a closet full of patriotic clothing. All have various sayings on them. All I believe with all my heart and soul. And that is why I sell Patriotic clothes.  From American flag shirts and leggings to Veteran and Patriotic shirts.



Patriotic shirt A man wearing  the american flag shirtA patriot shirt  with the soldiers oath.a woman in a womens patriotic shirt with the american flag


You can click on the photo to go to that page or you can check out our Patriotic Shirts & Apparel: Stand Up, American Patriot! Collection Page


No Matter How Good You Are, Someone Tries To Hurt You

Of course, there are those who will take a good thing and twist it to their needs.  Because of those needs, In the 1920’s The Ku Klux Klan carried the American flag to every rally with some mangled sense of Patriotism.  I don't call it that.  But it wasn’t the Flag’s ideation.  And after WWII, the American Nazi Organization carried Old Glory, but the Flag wasn’t a Nazi.  The Flag doesn't hate.

The Flag is Red for Valor, Bravery, Hardiness and Courage

The White of the Flag stands for Purity, Innocence, Pure Intentions and High Ideals

The Flag is Blue for Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice

With thirteen stripe-the 13 Original Colonies

And 50 Stars-the 50 States.

It is a symbol of Freedom. Under her shadow I feel safe. Most of the time.


Is It Legal To Sell American Flag Patriotic Shirts?



Congress criminalized the desecration of the American Flag on October 28, 1989 with legeslation called. Public Law 101-131, also called The Flag Protection Act of 1989.  The Act stated any person who "knowingly mutilate, physically defile, burn, maintain on the floor or ground, or trample upon" any U.S. flag, could get a $1,000 fine and up to one year in jail."

3 People tested the Act in 1990.  The District court dismissed the charges, so the Government appealed to the Supreme Court. 

 In the Court Case, United States v. Eichman (1990), the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, The Court came back with a decision 5-4 against the Act.  Justice Brennan joined by Marshall, Blackmun, Scalia, and Kennedy shot it down.  Justice Stevens, Chief Justice Rehnquist, White, and O'Connor were dissenters.  The high court's opinion stated that the law's restrictions on expressive cunduct could not be jusified without considering the content of the speechm and therefore had to be subject to "the most exacting scrutiny".  The court ruled that the right to free expression is more important than protecting the flag as a national symbol.

Justice william J. Breenan wrote, "Punishing desecration of the flag dilutes the very freedom that makes this emblem so revere, and worth revering." 

Check out United States v. Eichman

But Yes, you can sell American Flag T-Shirts Legally.



In Conclusion and the Hard questions

 Looking at the world today and comparing it to the same time four years ago, many things pop out to me that are so obvious that are easily overlooked. At this time four years ago, a lot of Black men were being killed by police officers. Since the Presidency changed hands, the killings stopped. Well, it stopped being pushed on the nightly news every day. Was it Donald Trump’s fault? He left the office and all of it stopped. Or was it something far more sinister? I can’t really speculate without going down the rabbit hole.

And where did Antifa go? They were on the news every night, until the elections were over. Then they vanished overnight. Poof! Not a trace. My dearest patriots, I hope you are paying attention. The 1% control what everyone thinks and accepts as truth. The division is there, ready to put everybody against everybody. But watch out for the sleight of hand, if you miss the trick, it could be fatal.

I Wear my Patriotic shirts to let those people know that there are sentinels still watching them. The goal of Patriotic clothing is simple. Like George Washington’s vision for wearing only American made clothing. Patriot Clothes boost Civic Pride.

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