The Four Most Powerful Zodiac Signs

The Four Most Powerful Zodiac Signs

This was a question from Quora.  Nobody was really giving a adequate answer, so I gave it a shot.  All of the 12 signs have their own "superpowers" per se. They are the elevated characteristics that we should strive for. The perfection of the soul because each sign has its strengths and weakmesses. Sometime, when the strengths are fully realized, those strengths become the Achilles heal of that sign, That being said, the four most powerful zodiac signs are:

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th) 

The first sign of the zodiac is a fire sign and ruled the the planet Mars. They will win. Period. They are so pasionate and driven, when they go for it, they are all in, even to the point of recklessness. they refuse to lose. With enough energy to wear anyone down, they will fight for what they believe. Famous Aries: Lady GaGa, Elton JohnEddie Murphy and Robert Downey Jr., Leonardo Da vinci and Harry Houdini

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

The Lion almost says it all. they are the Ruler when they walk in the room. Even if there is someone there, already in charge, the Leo assumes command and everyone falls in line, because Leo's leadership feels safe. They take care of those who can't and are fierce protectors. Famous Leos: Barack Obama. Daniel Ratcliffe, Madonna, Napoleon Bonaparte and Benito Mussalini.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

 If you know a Scorpio, or even scarier, in love with a Scorpio, then all I can say is Damn.I personally think that Scorpio are the most dangerous of all the zodiac. They have this power to hurt you like no other sign. The Scorpio sting, if inflicted, can be felt for years. (unless your a cancer,like me with a shell to protect you. thenit only lasts months) When a scorpio is around, everyone wnat to be in that circle. You feel elevated in the sensuality. And if they cut you off, like cutting a string off your clothes, they are gone. They leave a hole for a long time. don't piss them off. they will get you and you will feel it. Famous Scorpio: Bill Gates, Matthew McConaughey, Joaquin Phoenix and Katie Perry.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) 

Capricorn, the 10th sign of the Zodiac. They are ruled by the Planet Saturn. Responsible, hard working and determined. Being an Earth sign they are very grounded. Capricorns are relentless in pursuing their goals and are known for their discipline and practicality. They embody the earth element's stability and resilience. They can be ruthless in persuit of their objective. they have all the potential to become an authority figure. TYhey easily capture a crowd. They have a specail ability to see what's real, see through the bullshit. they See people as they really are and the truly care about and nurture others. that is there true power. they make you feel safe. Famous Capricorns: Denzel Washington, Martiin Luther King, Jr, Muhammad Ali, Elvis Presley and Al Capone

I hope this answered the question. If you like the zodiac check out Our Zodiac Collection is very cool. Be Your Unique
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