What Is a Talisman?

What Is a Talisman?

And Why You Might Need One

Talisman Definition

Let’s kick this off by getting on the same page. What is a Talisman? Oxford Languages defines a Talisman as “an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, which is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.”  A talisman is generally a form of an object like clothing, weapons, or paper, which are then imbued with magic.   It could be as mundane as a rabbits’ foot, or something grand  like King Arthur’s sword, Excalibur. Talismans bring you power from their charged magic. That magic gives you strength and above average ability. They were usually engraved or inscribed with biblical passages, signs of the Zodiac or Norse Runes.  The key was to protect the person from harmful dark energy.

But this isn’t Dungeons and Dragons or Lord of the Rings. No magic rings, no cloaks of invisibility.

When it comes to Talismans they are a physical “thing” that people carry with them for comfort. Like Linus and his blanket. They protect you from negative energy. I don’t really think they are imbued with magic powers; I think they are imbued by your energy, your belief.

So let’s explore how talismans can help you personally and emotionally.  Mathematician and author Joseph Mazur stated, “There is no real tangible thing we can call luck, but we create that tangible thing by transferring it to an object.”  And that little boost can take us a long way.


Using Talismans to Overcome Self Doubt: My Personal Journey

Everyone feels lost, ignored, and overlooked.  Some define that as the Human Condition.  Whether it is at a job that never sees the work you put in and rewards the idiot who is always late and never finishes their assignments, or at school where you just don’t fit in with the cool kids. So, you’re the focus of the bullies. Running through life where nobody hears you, nobody understands or even tries to understand you, can lead to depression or worse.

I grew up like that. Dreading the school day, dreading going back home. I lived in a purgatory where everywhere was a nagging fear of dread. Being born in the middle of July, I was smack dabbed in the middle of Cancer. I didn’t have a clue what the Zodiac Signs were, or what they meant, until I got a necklace when I was about 9 or 10 years old.

The Path to Self With a Book and A Talisman

I was in the fourth grade, it was the worse year of my life at that point.  Mom and dad were getting a divorce, I had to talk to a judge who was making me choose who I wanted to live with, and completely ignoring my recommendation. So it was decided, me and my younger sister were staying with dad, while mom had to find her own place.    We got weekend visits, though. Wonderful.

For my Birthday I got a gold pendant necklace. The pendant was a frame about an inch and a half high by an inch wide, in the center was a crab. “Cancer “was inscribed on the bottom rail of the pendant. It was very similar to the one above.  I thought it was the coolest thing and it sparked my curiosity.

 I grabbed my phone and Googled “Cancer Zodiac signs.”

No, I didn’t do that.  Google didn’t exist. Our only tether to the outside world was a television that weighed 500 pounds and a phone attached to a wall with a 20-foot cord.

a 1970's wall telephone

Nope, no Google for me. I had to wait for a ride to this special building we called a Library. The building was awesome. It had thousands of books on every subject you could think of. I asked the Librarian in a whisper, “Where are the books on the Zodiac?” The librarian gave me a disapproving look and whispered back, “In the Occult Section” and pointed to the far corner of the library. I looked at the area and no one was around it. It was quietly shunned by the superstitious and uninformed. I would be alone in my search, and I was happy about it. And now I had a secret weapon.

I got strange looks as I bypassed everything, as I focused on the dark corner of dusty books. This skinny blonde kid with thick glasses strolling carefree into the heart of Evil.

So many books on Witchcraft, Magick, and yes, Talismans and Amulets. Finally, I found what I was looking for. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was Astrological signs and their meanings. I grabbed that and a book on witchcraft and the occult and checked them out. The look of disgust on the librarian's face was funny and scary. I didn’t know why he disapproved, and I was self-conscious without that approval. But I could almost feel my necklace burning against my chest. I unconsciously touched it, got some confidence, and left with a swagger. People feared what they didn’t understand. Interesting,


Self-Knowledge And Self Awareness

After a couple of weeks with just me, my book, and my necklace, I was off into the woods. The woods on my father's property were my sanctuary. The breeze and the birds, the trickle of the creek that wound through trees, and the smell of the earth took me to another world where there was no fear, dread, or pain. I scratched my initials and my zodiac sign on various trees when I got the feeling to do so. I was powerless and voiceless in the world. Here, I was King.

a pawn with the shadow of a King  chess pieces can be talismans

Studying that book, the necklace in front of me on a rock, I would read, and glance at the little crab in the center and read some more. I didn’t realize I was meditating on the pendant or internalizing what I was reading. But as the summer went by, I was transforming. I began understanding more about who I was and why I felt the way I did. Things started making sense, and other things remained a mystery. Self-awareness doesn’t come overnight or even a summer. It comes when it comes. I talk about the moment of “Finding Myself” in my Article What are Horoscopes?   It was a moment.

In that summer I learned so much about myself and if Focus were magic, my little Cancer Pendant Necklace could slay any dragon that might appear. I now had an idea of why I thought and felt the way I did.  The emotional turmoil that swirled inside.   I understood how I experienced the world in an extremely broad scope.

It would take several years to finally fit all the pieces together to find my peace and find myself.  Never-the-less what I sort of understood was, that Cancers are the emotional heart of the Zodiac.  And we teach everyone else that, while there's so much in life that we may not be able to see, we should still pay attention so we don’t miss something extraordinary.   Cancers may turn down the first invite you give them to be friends. They may even turn down the fifth. But once they finally say yes, know that you have found a real, true friend. While Cancers, like their spirit animal the Crab, are known for their thick outer shell, trust that the standoffishness is all an act. 

But the day does end, and we have to return from our sanctuary.  The world waits on no one. It does not care about your day or how you are feeling. It does what it does. It keeps moving forward. But we, as humans, will sometimes feel like we are not moving at all.

It is called…

The Human Condition

What is the human condition? This is the main bond we all share. It doesn’t matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hinduist, or Pagan. Neither does it matter if you are White, Black, Japanese, Chinese, African or South American. We have 3 fundamental facts we all share:

  1. We are Born.
  2. We live a Life.
  3. We all Die.

That is the fundamental meaning of the Human Condition, but I think there is more to it. It is number 2 that defines the Human condition. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is. If you were born in the ghetto or with a silver spoon. We all have fear. We all doubt.

The 20-something just getting out of school, Gen Z, thousands of dollars in school loans, and a short time to get them paid back before it starts affecting their credit.  They are watching Generation X struggling to make it on pensions that aren’t enough. They are watching the Millennials unable to even think about retirement because the cost of living is getting higher and higher. The future of this country is fully on the shoulders of Gen Z. They must find a way. The government won’t do it, that avenue is useless. But Gen Z is doing something no one has done in a very long time.  They are breaking the norms of society in education, in spending habits and cultural acceptance.

They don’t trust the machine. They trust the community.

But going their own way brings fear and dread. What if they make the wrong decision? What if they choose the wrong career path that leaves them without a voice? They have the opportunity to create a fantastic future or cripple the country beyond repair.  They will need resilient strength and fortitude.

This Is where a Talisman can be of some help.

Millennials and the Human Condition

Besides Gen Z, we have the Millennials. They are at the point of relaxing on vacation, hanging out with friends and family, and celebrating a good life. But wait, it looks great from the outside looking in. Your neighbors will never guess that you are frozen in fear and doubt about the future of your family's financial security. They don’t see you looking through the check book trying to find some extra cash. The job is there, but what was once a career is just a job now. With new technology, at what point are you obsolete?  Are you indispensable or are you vulnerable to AI taking your position? Why are you here? What is the meaning of it all?

This is called Existential Anxiety. What does that mean? Medical News Today defines it as, a feeling of dread or panic that arises when a person confronts the limitations of their existence. Thoughts of death, the meaningless of life, or the insignificance of self, can all trigger existential anxiety.”

This Is where a Talisman can be of some help.


 “You are analytical, practical, detail-oriented, service-minded, and Hardworking. Your Virgo precision builds beauty. Let your dedication and eye for detail shape your dreams.”




Finding Your True Self to Lessen the Human Condition

Everyone goes through what I just described. No one is immune, everyone has those thoughts, feelings, and fears. But that is the moment that defines us. Not to other people. Who cares what other people think? It defines us, ourselves. And It’s that time we stand up and fight back or curl up into a ball and retreat.



“You are progressive, a humanitarian, Original intellectual, and you value community.  Aquarius, march to your own unique rhythm.  Your visionary spirit shapes a better future.”


I gave you a brief look into my psyche earlier. I had existential anxiety for most of my teenage life, and into my late twenties. Every time I felt that dread start to creep in, I had the necklace. Not the physical necklace. I lost that as a teenager, somewhere between flying back and forth to Florida for the Summer with my mother. But I had studied every edge of that necklace, every scuff mark or scratch. I just need to visualize it and I could feel it working its magic.

Make no mistakes, I know the pendant necklace had no magical powers. It was a focus. It took me to a place where fear couldn’t touch me. It allowed me to have a clear mind so I could think clearly. It brightened my mood and gave me the energy to keep moving forward. That is the key. To keep moving forward.


Help With finding the Way

I am not peddling a quick fix for depression or anxiety. If you are depressed to the point, you are immobile, seek professional help. Reach out to someone. If your anxiety has you on the floor in the fetal position, get help. Depression and anxiety can be very serious conditions.  Don’t be a statistic, get help.

That being said, what is the purpose of a talisman and where do you start finding your focus?  I’m a retailer.  I’m going to tell you where you can find some great items to use as a Talisman. That is my job. It wouldn’t be any good if I didn’t show you.  For example:

      Our Zodiac Coffee Mugs. Great for getting that shot of caffeine first thing. It also lets you reflect and draw energy from the design. The wording on the cup reads:

“You are analytical, practical, detail-oriented, service-minded, and Hardworking.  Your Virgo precision builds beauty. Let your dedication and eye for detail shape your dreams.” That is how you start your morning off with the right mindset. Sometimes, just a little reminder of who we are, or our goals can go a long way.

If that’s not your cup of tea… (see what I did there?), maybe something for a cool evening, to go back over your long day.  They come in handy when the wife thinks it’s too warm in the house and turns the thermostat to 60 degrees.

This Zodiac Blanket can go anywhere at any time. The Zodiac Sign on the back being just a reminder, a nudge back from frustration. It acts like a shield.








If that doesn’t have it covered, rest your head on this comfy Throw Pillows Zodiac Decor. Based on the earlier coffee mug design. These throw pillows offer comfort and style. Meditate on the figure of your zodiac sign and the inspirational wording or sink into the dark blues of the constellation. The inscription reads: “You are progressive, a humanitarian, Original intellectual, and you value community. Aquarius, march to your own unique rhythm. Your visionary spirit shapes a better future.”

If you are into a more traditional way to express and focus, we have these Zodiac pendant necklaces. I think they are pretty awesome myself, but you be the judge.   The Cancer inscription reads: “You are a nurturing, emotional, protective, intuitive, and home lover. Your Cancer heart overflows with love. Cherish those bonds and the safe spaces you create.”

 The Other is a Zodiac Constellation pendant in a dog tag style with the constellation on one side and a personalized engraving on the other.  If you have a friend who likes Zodiac imagery, this is a great gift idea.

If you have a photo or a design you would like on a product, email me with the image attached, and what product you want it to put on and I will make it happen.  Put “Special Order” in the subject line.  It won’t cost anymore that the normal item would cost.  And check out the rest of the Zodiac Collection.


Making Your Choice

Sales pitch aside, what is the purpose of a talisman?  Sometimes we all need something outside ourselves to help us through difficult times.  Whether you buy one of my items or not, the idea is to help you find your strength. It could be anything.  A rock you found when you were 12 years old or your grandmother’s locket that you’ve held onto.  It could even be a sticky note on your bathroom mirror.  As long as it takes you from a dark place, that is all that matters.

Find a person to talk to.  We all know that most people we know get extremely uncomfortable when we start going on about our problems and concerns.  If it’s not about them, they have no interest.  But find someone, be it a priest or other religious figure, a doctor, or the mail man.  Find someone who will LISTEN. Sometimes that is enough.


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