most evil zodiac sign

Zodiac Signs Good vs Evil:


What is the Most Evil Zodiac Sign


The Most Evil Zodiac Sign: Conversations On Reddit And Quora

It never stops to amaze me at the questions AND answers we can find on sites like Redditt and Quora. Especially the Astrology Sub-Reddit’s. Like the one that inspired this little page. The question was, “What is the Most Evil Zodiac Sign?"   Simply amazing.  Zodiac signs are stars that have imaginary lines to help us make out the animal or mystical creature associated with it.

constellation of Gemini

In Figure 1 you can see the stars in the sky, with a green line connecting the dots. Those dots outline Gemini the Twins. They are not evil or good. They just are. The only evil is the humans looking up at it. So asking what the most evil zodiac signs are, is more than likely someone wondering if they are evil.  If you are asking that question, you’re not.


Zodiac Signs: Evil Sides And Good Sides

I have compiled a small listing of people who reflect the very best traits of their Sun Sign. They are actors, musicians, even a Politician or two. And in the other column is a listing of people using the energy of their Zodiac for selfish and destructive purposes. They are the ones who put the word “Evil” in “Evil Zodiac.”  So, if you are wondering what is the evil side of my zodiac sign? Look no further.



Aries (March 21 - April 19)


  1. Leonardo da Vinci - Renowned artist, scientist, and inventor.
  2. Emma Watson - Actor and activist for gender equality.
  3. Charlie Chaplin - silent movie star


  1. Adolf Hitler - Dictator of Nazi Germany, responsible for the Holocaust and World War II.
  2. Clyde Barrow - Infamous criminal and part of the Bonnie and Clyde duo
  3. Heath Ledger – I put him in the middle. He was a great Actor and was loved by many, but this shows Aries Out of control.


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


  1. David Beckham - Footballer and philanthropist.
  2. Adele - Singer-songwriter known for her music and charity work.
  3. William Shakespeare - Iconic playwright and poet.
  4. Queen Elizabeth II - Longest-reigning British monarch known for her contributions to modernizing the monarchy.


  1. Jim Jones - Cult leader responsible for the Jonestown Massacre.
  2. Saddam Hussein - Former President of Iraq, responsible for mass atrocities and wars.
  3. Adolf Hitler-Aries/Taurus cusp
  4. Ho Chi Minh-Vietnamese Communist leader.


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


  1. Morgan Freeman - Actor and advocate for social justice.
  2. Angelina Jolie - Actor and humanitarian.
  3. John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States, known for his inspirational leadership.
  4. Marilyn Monroe - Iconic actor and cultural figure.


  1. Peter the Great - Russian tsar known for his brutal methods of consolidating power.
  2. Donald Trump - Controversial former U.S. President.
  3. Kanye West - Known for his erratic behavior and controversial statements.
  4. Jeffery Dahmer- Serial Killer


 Cancer (June 21 - July 22)



  1. Nelson Mandela - Anti-apartheid revolutionary and former President of South Africa.
  2. Princess Diana - Known for her charitable work.
  3. Elon Musk - Entrepreneur and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla.
  4. Tom Hanks - Highly respected and award-winning actor.


  1. OJ Simpson - Former NFL player acquitted of murder charges but later found liable in a civil suit.
  2. R. Kelly - Musician facing numerous allegations of sexual misconduct.
  3. Alexander the Great - Conqueror known for his ruthless military campaigns.
  4. Julius Caesar - Roman general whose actions led to the end of the Roman Republic.


 Leo (July 23 - August 22)



  1. Barack Obama - Former U.S. President known for healthcare reform.
  2. J.K. Rowling - Author of the Harry Potter series and philanthropist.
  3. Madonna - Influential singer and cultural icon.


  1. Fidel Castro - Former Cuban dictator.
  2. Benito Mussolini - Former fascist dictator of Italy.
  3. Elizabeth Bathory-Guinness World Record holder for most prolific female murderer and the inspiration for Dracula.


 Libra (September 23 - October 22)


  1. Mahatma Gandhi - Leader of the Indian independence movement.
  2. Will Smith - Actor and philanthropist.
  3. John Lennon- a Beatle and advocate for peace.


  1. Vladimir Putin - Controversial Russian leader.
  2. Kim Kardashian - Often criticized for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and consumerism.
  3. Heinrich Himmler - Leading member of the Nazi Party and architect of the Holocaust

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


  1. Bill Gates - Co-founder of Microsoft and philanthropist.
  2. Marie Curie - Scientist known for her research on radioactivity.
  3. Matthew McConaughey-actor


  1. Charles Manson - Cult leader responsible for multiple murders.
  2. Joseph Stalin - Former Soviet dictator responsible for numerous atrocities.
  3. Leon Trotsky - Revolutionary leader involved in Soviet repressions.


 Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


  1. Walt Disney - Creator of the Disney empire and philanthropist.
  2. Taylor Swift - Singer and philanthropist.
  3. Winston Churchill - Prime Minister of the UK during WWII, known for his leadership.


  1. Ted Bundy - Infamous serial killer.
  2. Nero - Infamous Roman emperor known for his tyranny.
  3. Joseph Stalin - Soviet dictator responsible for the Great Purge and mass repression.


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


  1. Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights leader.
  2. Denzel Washington - Actor and philanthropist.
  3. Isaac Newton - Mathematician and physicist who formulated the laws of motion.


  1. Richard Nixon - Former U.S. President known for the Watergate scandal.
  2. Kim Jong-un - Controversial North Korean leader.
  3. Mao Zedong - Communist leader of China responsible for the Cultural Revolution.


 Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


  1. Galileo Galilei - Astronomer and physicist who championed heliocentrism.
  2. Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States, led the country through the Civil War.


  1. Kim Jong-il - North Korean dictator known for his oppressive regime.
  2. Idi Amin - Ugandan military dictator responsible for mass atrocities.
  3. Oprah Winfrey - Media mogul and philanthropist.


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


  1. Albert Einstein - Renowned physicist.
  2. Rihanna - Singer and philanthropist.
  3. Kurt Cobain-changed music


  1. Osama bin Laden - Terrorist leader responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
  2. L. Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology, a controversial organization.
  3. Andrew Jackson - U.S. President known for the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears



A Closing Thought On The Power Of The Zodiac

So as you can see from the list, there are some pretty incredible examples of a person living up the perfect vibration of their Sun sign.  When you realize the full potential of your sun sign, you can accomplish some amazing feats.

But, if you let your ego, emotions or desires take over and control you, the opposite can be reality. You will accomplish great suffering and inflict an ungodly amount of destruction.

Through meditation and reflection, you can fulfill your True Will, or the full energy of your zodiac sign. The True Will, as I understand it, is the person you truly are when you are comfortable with yourself. It speaks to you all the time. I can be a lucky feeling, or an uneasy feeling. When you listen to it, you will succeed. That is your True Will.

Everyone has experienced it. Sometimes it is not a gut feeling. Sometimes it a “WHAP” upside your head. When you are doing something in opposition to your True Self, nothing works out right. And the more you fight, the worse things go sideways. But when you listen to it, things fall into place easily. For example, you’re almost out of gas, with two days ‘Til payday. You’re a bit anxious but you’ll be fine. Then you go the dresser to get a pair of socks, and, “WHAP!” You find a $20 in the sock drawer.

I’m a firm believer in focuses. Some call a focus a talisman or amulet. Feel free to check out my article on talisman's. Until next time, thanks for reading.


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